Cofrin Career Connection

Job Seeker

Candidate Interview Questions


The following are questions that a job applicant should ask during an interview. Remember as a potential employee, you want to gather as much information as possible about the position, company and co-workers.

Q) What is a typical day like?
Q) What type of training do you offer for new and existing employees?
Q) Who will I report to and how large is the team/department associated with this position?
Q) When and how often will I be reviewed?
Q) What is the current technical environment i.e., hardware, software and language(s), do you expect any conversions in the future?
Q) What applications/projects would I be working on and how do those applications impact the company?
Q) How would you describe the company culture?
Q) How would you describe the management style?
Q) How do you evaluate/measure successful performance?
Q) What career paths are available within the company?
Q) What do you like/dislike about working here?



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   Leigh Cofrin  (630) 779-4822
Copyright © 2008 Cofrin Career Connection, LLC
  337 Erie Ct., Bloomingdale, IL, 60108